Tattoo Artist Gets Weekly Visit From Woman With Down Syndrome For This Reason…

Tattoos are a form of expression that is a permanent decision that stays forever. Which is why one woman in New Zealand embraced the idea of temporary tattoos.

Suzie, a woman with Down Syndrome, visited Muscle and Ink, a local tattoo parlor owned and operated by Jason Ward. She brought with her a stack of temporary tattoos that she wanted to put on her arm.  She went to Jason Ward’s shop hoping he would help. Suzie wanted to show off the tattoos to her friends at her care facility.

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Jason did not hesitate to help Suzie.  He gave the same attention to detail that he provides to every customer, and put all the tattoos on Suzie’s arm.

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Suzie had so much fun, that now she visits the shop every Friday to have a new temporary tattoo inked on her arm.

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Suzie’s weekly visits are a bright spot in Jason’s day!   He said he likes the opportunity to make someone incredibly happy and cherishes Suzie’s visits!

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