In the small town of Peabody, Massachusetts, at the Jeffrey and Susan Brudnick Center for Living, live five surviving siblings out of a family of 11 kids. The are spending their golden years together. The seniors are Mary Cena, 92; Carmen Wesala, 98; Lawrence Mallia, 90; Georgia Southwick, 93; and Lucy O’Brien, 85. These brothers and sisters haven’t all been together for over 70 years.
“We are all just so happy to be together again,” Cena says. “I just wish my other brothers and sisters could have experienced this with us.” Despite their reunion, the siblings have remained close. They would play weekly bridge games together or visit one another.
Back in 1970 four of the five kids worked together at their family-owned grocery store until 1978. Despite having different schedules and medical appointments, the staff said they all spend lots of time with one another and are the closest of friends.
“We are all just so happy to be together again,” Cena says. “I just wish my other brothers and sisters could have experienced this with us.”
This is a beautiful example of family. We should all try and make an effort to keep up with them through the years.
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