Text Conversation Between Father And Daughter While He Buys Her Maxi Pads Has Everyone Laughing…

Some men act like feminine hygiene products are poisonous snakes that will bite if handled the wrong way! Not the Dad below!

Tia Savva, a young lady from the UK, sent her dad on a near impossible task: try and decipher from the hordes of choices and bring home the right ones. Thank God for cellphones. 

dad buys maxi pads

I’m in Tescos, where are they?

They’re by all the deodorants and shampoos.

Ok, found them. Which ones do you want”


Always what??

No, they’re called Always.

Oh seen. What in the f**k!! £3.50??? Now what there’s hundreds of them.

Calm down.

Hundreds of them? Not only is dad a trooper, he knows when hyperbole is called for.

dad buys maxi pads

This woman’s looking at me weird, hurry up.

I need the nighttime ones. Should be purple packaging. Scented and with wings please.

Wtf are wings? How will I know if they are scented, will I have to smell them?


It will say so on the packet, chill out.

Ok cause smelling them would have been weird, wouldn’t it. Do you need any creams?

“Will I have to smell them?” Yes. It’s a scratch and sniff box, duh. “Do you need any creams?” This dad is killing me. Yes, she needs the infamous period cream we all use during that time of the month. Creams? What in the actual hell?

dad buys maxi pads

What in the f**k? Why would I need creams?

Because I thought you ladies needed creams for after.

Omg. Just pick them up and come home.

Ok. Satan needs a feeding. I’ll bring you choc.

The creams snafu is trumped by the fact that this amazing dad is not only buying pads for his daughter, he’s bringing her chocolate.

Take note, dads everywhere. This right here is #dadgoals.


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