20 Funny Caught Cheating Texts That Are Seriously Awkward

20 Funny Caught Cheating Texts That Are Seriously Awkward

It’s never a good day when you find out that your partner is cheating on you. To many people, infidelity is unforgivable. That’s it. You’ve broken trust, a difficult but crucial part to any relationship. Trust is the foundation.

Some people who have been unfaithful may be able to salvage the relationship if both parties are willing but they have to make sure to take time to heal. The hurt party must be able to forgive and the person who did the cheating must be able to consistently prove their trustworthiness. On the flip side, there are a handful of people out there that are only sorry they got caught. If this is the case, we hope that this person is out of your life for good!

Scroll below to read through 20 different scenarios in which someone was caught cheating. All we have to say is ‘It’s over now / Go on and take a bow.’

Caught Cheating Texts Scenarios

1. Would you accept a thousand dollars and a new car to cover up for your cheating dad?
 Caught Cheating Texts

2. These briberies are making me sick. Has anyone actually done this before?
Caught Cheating 2

3. If they’re sloppy in love, they’re probably sloppy everywhere else. Can you believe this girl?
 Caught Cheating Texts

4. This person got caught in a lie but what was the other person doing there?

 Caught Cheating Texts


5. Probably one of the last things you’d want to hear when checking in with your girlfriend.
 Caught Cheating Texts

6. You know you’re a side chick if they want to break it off over text.
Caught Cheating texts

7. Whoever uses ‘family stuff’ to cover up cheating is a real dirtbag.
Caught Cheating texts

8. Social media always tells us more than we want to know.
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9. This woman cheated one her husband with his brother. Starting a family… with family?!
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10. Last time we checked, therapy alone does not work. You have to make those changes yourself.
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11. If someone gets a brand new car out of nowhere, it’s probably because they’re covering for they’re cheating dad!
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12. He was so excited to text his side chick but accidentally texted his wife instead.
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13. This girl found a new cure for the common cold, but it broke her boyfriend’s heart.
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14. You can’t be sneaky around woman. They have a way of finding out everything.
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15. I don’t know what’s worse, the mom cheating or the kid initiating a bribe to keep quiet.
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16. If you’re married to someone, how do you break up with them? This guy knows the answer.
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17. Don’t know why he cheated off of someone so stupid. We hope she’s better at math than she is at English.
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18. When the two guys you’re dating have similar names and you slip…
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19. If someone’s guilty about something, it won’t be long until the truth comes out. Sometimes, they even out themselves.
Caught Cheating 19

20. This dad offered $10 for her daughter to stay quiet. Don’t know how he mistook her for his mistress in the first place.
Caught Cheating 20

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How do cheating spouses communicate?

Texting isn’t the only method of infidelity. Cheaters frequently utilize tablets, laptops, and even secret apps to communicate with their partners. Google Docs is a new favorite location for texting. Instead of sexting with a new lover, your partner can say that they are at work.

Q. What is cheating through text?

The golden guideline is to flirt at all costs without acting on it. This is the point at which texting turns into cheating. Other behaviors may indicate that you are going too far or that your partner is betraying your trust (opens in new tab). The time that messages are transmitted is one of them, and it has to do with texting.

Q. Is deleting messages cheating?

Infidelity can take the shape of emotional affairs, working spouses, erasing communications, and maintaining contact with exes.


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