There’s never a bad time to stop and reflect on how awesome our elders can be. Like,really awesome. Here are some grandparents showing us how it’s done. Enjoy!
When it comes to getting older, own it.
Go out and have a crazy Friday night.
Or stay in and have a crazy Friday night.
You can still keep up with the newest trends.
Like Cosplay, or mustache finger tattoos.
You can play your grandkids’ video games.
Even the ones they said you wouldn’t like.
Don’t be afraid to speak your mind.
Or try new things.
Variety is the spice of life.
Rules were made to be broken.
You can have your giant pie and eat it, too.
Just always remember to stretch
Naps are your friend.
And teamwork is the key to success.
Remember to stay cool.
And you’ll have this whole life thing figured out.
…Well, almost everything.
Source: Huffpost Comedy
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